Sunday, July 18, 2010

between TIME and LOVED ONES


Setelah sekian lama meninggalkan ruang blogger, hari ini daku terdetik untk menulis biarpun sedikit cuma...
rakan2 sekalian...saya akan cuba menulis biarpn sedikit selagi hayat bernyawa...

Hari ini, seorang sahabat dari SMKA Al-Irshad telah pergi menghadap Ilahi...
kesedihan terasa....meskipun saya bukanlah seorang yang sangat akrab dengan arwah tetapi pemergian arwah sangat terkesan dalam diri...
semoga rohnya dicucuri rahmat di sana insya fatihah~

I have a riddle...
hope u can try to solve it...(^^)
between TIME and LOVED ONES which one u rather let go?
which one that you think you can cope with the consequences when it's gone?

Imam Ghazali once have give riddles to his students:-
"apakah yang paling jauh dan yang paling dekat dengan kita?"

none of them answered correctly, but I am 100% sure dat all of u here can solve this right?
This is a very well known riddle...with very highly unprecedented message shines through it

Yang paling jauh adalah MASA LALU dan yang paling dekat adalah MATI..

so back to my riddle...
between a very good friend and your very precious time which one you rather let go?

"I cannot live without my loved ones, without them who will share my secrets? who will be with me against all odds?"

“Janganlah kamu berdukacita, sesungguhnya Allah bersama kita”
(At-Taubah: 40)

“Dan berserahlah engkau kepada Allah Yang Hidup, Yang tidak mati”
( Al-Furqan: 58)

"I cannot waste my time. I am going to be a very important person for the ummah. Time is very valuable to me"

“Demi masa, sesungguhnya manusia berada dalam kerugian, melainkan yang beriman dan mengerjakan kebaikan serta saling menasihati untuk kebenaran dan saling menasihati untuk kesabaran"

Daripada Anas bin Malik r.a. katanya, Rasulullah S.A.W. bersabda:

"Tiada sempurna iman seseorang kamu sebelum disukai untuk saudaranya, apa yang disukainya untuk diri sendiri"

(Riwayat Sahih Muslim)

Ok, I give you my arguments, I show you that we need BOTH of them, but which one? Just which one that you think you can survive without?

As for me, I have my loved ones and I really love them with all my heart...
I must train my heart to accept that one day they will no longer be by my side...(this will take time too I guess...huhu)
I must accept that they are not mine...
all my loved ones are HIS...your loved ones too...

I know time is crucial, we are very busy planning for the future...
can anybody give me 100% guarantee that all this planning will happen? will it?
Have you heard " Be! and shall it be" (yassin: 82)?
If He said it happen then it will, but if He said no, then it won't...

There's a reason why He gives us AKAL...and one of them is to make the right choice...
The answer is in ur heart...sometimes you don't need to answer the questions but respond to them...

From today, please appreciate all the TIME given to you by doing beneficial things with beneficial outcome regardless the outcome is seen here or hereafter...insya Allah...

From now onwards, please express love and gratitude to ur LOVED ONES (di sisi syara' only ok), before it's too late....

time will flies....and as it leaves day, ur precious person will too...

FastaBiQuL Khairat (^^)v

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